Know About Your Birthstone and Enhance your Qualities


All human beings are career oriented and wish to go higher and higher in their professional field. Guide line for progress assists the seekers at every step and helps them in the hours of difficulties. There are some birthstones occurring naturally having obscure meaning and benefits but traits of birthstones can deliver benefit to only those persons who are born in the range moth of that gemstone. In some cases wearer gets the dual benefits that fashion trends and benefiting from the obscure traits run parallel. But this happens when one has real knowledge about the characteristic of those birthstones.

Knowledge about the history of birthstones

History of the birthstones is back to the civilization when the human beings used to live in the caves but at that time they were unaware of their potential benefits and these stones were not cut into the proper designs for jewelry use. Egyptians played vital role in the history of birthstones and their research work explore the potential traits of the birthstones. Emerald was the birthstone that Lady Cleopatra use to wear and it was also presented as gift to the Royal guests. Because of this fact ladies of today use this birthstone for dignity and pride and think high about their personality when they wear it in jewelry. The birthstones have strong bond with the twelve months of the year and each month has its own Zodiac signs. We can say that birthstones are also related to the Astronomy and meaning of stars can also be associated with these birthstones. It means that you can select a gemstone matching with your star.

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Why are Birthstones a Choice to Wear?

According to the legends the birthstones are used for multiple intentions. The common and acceptable reason for the use of the birthstones is to prove your personality unique among the folks and for this reason jewelry items are the main source. Women love to wear gemstone jewelry on various occasions.  The woman that has date of birth in October will prefer to choose Libra Birthstone Color from Libra Birthstones and other one that has date of birth in first week of April happily choose help Aries Birthstone Color from the available colors.

It is moment of pride for a bride if she wears diamond or emerald jewelry at her wedding day and there is no alternative of the gift if she receives birthstone jewelry on her first anniversary.

It has also come in common observation that birthstone jewelry is also gifted to the loved ones on their date of births or if they do any good job in the assigned task e.g a father can gift her daughter birthstone jewelry if she stood first in her medical exams. Birthstone jewelry has the following types

  • Birthstone Rings
  • Birthstone Earrings
  • Birthstone Necklaces
  • Birthstone Bracelets

Selection of Birthstone by Month

The following is the modern classification of the birthstone by month. Here are the birthstones by months with their traits and colors. You can understand the meaning of each birthstone and select yours one matching with your date of birth.

  • Garnet is January birthstone come in various colors but the most liked color is reddish brown with the features of friendship and trust. Moreover, it is believed that it is symbol of love and intense feelings.
  • Amethyst birthstone is dedicated to month of February. It is found in deep purple and dark violet color with the characteristics of loyalty and sincerity. Moreover, it cures intoxication.
  • Aquamarine has trait to save from the dangers of sea and its color range is from pale to blue. It also symbolizes love and hope in the wearer
  • Diamond the most popular gemstone that is the choice of every woman is birthstone of April. It is often colorless and used in engagement rings
  • May birthstone is Emerald found in green color with healing abilities
  • June birthstone is Pearl that is found in sea from Oysters. It is symbol of success, love and happiness. It is not mined stone.
  • Ruby is the gemstone of July, a king of birthstones. It is sign of love, wisdom and health for the wearers.
  • Peridot is August birthstone exit is olive green colors and it protects the owners from nightmares.
  • Sapphire is symbol of loyalty and it is found in the month of September having a dynamic range of colors but the most popular is in blue color.
  • Opal is birthstone for those who are born in the month of October. It is found in mixture of colors with characteristic of hope.
  • Topaz is November is symbol of consistency and faithfulness. It is also found good to cure the breathing problems. It is found in orange color with pink under tones.
  • Zircon the December birthstone, having low cost than Diamond. This birthstone creates a spark of love and romance and exits in the blue color.
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