WhatsApp has been one of the most popular means of sharing your feelings. WhatsApp has become one of the best sources for sending and receiving instant messages and keeping in touch with your loved ones. Cute and charming love messages along with romantic are an excellent way to express our feelings in relationship. We are going to list some good messages and images full of love for you to share your feelings with your beloved.
Table of Contents
Beautiful sms of love for WhatsApp
The texts of love and expressions of love have been quite difficult to think to share with our loved ones. We understand the problems our brothers and sisters face and that is why we have created this list of love sms especially for those who lack the creativity to present beautiful messages of love.
* I can’t believe what life had been like before I met you,
you are the best thing that has happened to me;
I just want to be yours forever,
because I know there is no one like you!
* I can’t forget your kisses, they
are engraved in my mind …
My heart dances in each of your thoughts,
like the butterfly wings.
* There are 12 months a year …
30 days a month …
7 days a week …
24 hours a day …
60 minutes an hour …
but only one like you in a lifetime.
* love is not about how you listen, but how you understand it,
not about how you forgive, but how you forget, it
is not what you see, but how you feel,
and not how you let go, but how you hold on.
* We not only feel our love when we kiss or caress, but also when we talk and you listen.
Your smile lets me feel that I am the lady of your heart!
love with phrases
The love messages for him with the romantic prayers help much to express your feelings in a more loving way of love can make them more perfect. You can opt for the pretty love messages.
* you are my life, my happiness, my sadness, my joy and my everything! So much so that you can complete being! I love you
* I don’t love you, I just love your smile, your mistakes, your past, your jokes, your annoyances, everything! I love you for all that you are!
* A student may have many reasons to study,
A murderer may have many reasons to kill,
A friend may have many reasons to get together,
But I only have one reason to live, that I love you!
Romantic images of love
If you have some love text to dedicate or good words of love, combine them with beautiful images. Love images with romantic love messages can be the right way to let someone know that we are in love.If you can include love photos, husband, wife, that would express the fact that you are in love in a beautiful and pretty way.
* I love you with all my heart
* I love you not for what you are, but for how you transform me when I am with you.
* love posters with love text are a gift to receive and therefore can be a great gift for your boyfriend. Just pick the cards here with little messages to keep your feelings alive … forever.
romantic love text
Send these romantic text along with the love cards through WhatsApp and make the occasion special and a gift to remember. If you ask me, sending love text to my girlfriend is what I love the most!
* It is your love that inspires me,
It is your softness that moves me, and it is your kisses that drive me crazy!
* My happiness lies in just two letters … YOU.
* It’s not me and you anymore … now it’s us, us … together and forever!
* my mouth may be silent, but my heart keeps screaming for you! I love you! <
* Every time you are not holding my hand and with me, you control me in my thoughts. And that’s why I love you!
Before concluding …
Well, that’s what we have for this post, as long as it’s about love messages. These messages and love cards are best suited to send to your loved ones. In fact, sharing these love sms and love letters can also be used as your WhatsApp status too. These can be useful to make your loved one fall in love with you and let your followers perceive you as the romantic person.
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