6 points to keep in mind while choosing a hand sanitizer

hand sanitizer
hand sanitizer

Nothing is more important than our health and safety and we must not underestimate this point. Many of us sometimes forget to take precautions to provide our body an extra level safety. But during this pandemic, we cannot afford to do this. Health is the top of all and we must put an extra effort to stay healthy. In this pandemic, all we can do it to make use of the best hand sanitizer in India to reduce the risk of Covid-19. Nobody has ever imagined that how much important a hand sanitizer can be for our good health. 

The need for hand sanitizers is increased as they are now so much essential at almost every place. We all need to keep a personal hand sanitizer with us whenever we are going anywhere. There are so many hand sanitizers available in the market and you need to choose the best of all. You can look for different things before you make buy a hand sanitizer. The hand sanitizers are available in different packing, designs, and in quantities. Here we will discuss a guide for choosing the right handed sanitizer.

  • Alcohol based or non alcohol based: The studies have proved that alcohol-based hand sanitizers are much effective than others. So, before buying a sanitizer you can prefer alcohol-based hand sanitizer. 
  • The concentration of alcohol: the content of alcohol in the hand sanitizers can vary from brand to brand. Every manufacturer uses different content in the hand sanitizers. The most effective alcohol content is around 60 to 90 percent. The hand sanitizers having this much content of alcohol can be preferred over others. 
  • Look for the expiry date: Sometimes we just keep on purchasing things without looking at their expiry date. They are the most important element or a factor that must look for while purchasing any item. So, before buying a hand sanitizer check the expiry date first. Buying an expired hand sanitizer will not work effectively as expected from it. 
  • Read instructions mentioned on the hand sanitizers: Sometimes, there are some instructions mentioned on the hand sanitizers that are useful. You can read the instructions mentioned on the sanitizers before using it. Check the information mentioned carefully. 
  • Place the hand sanitizers at a cool place: Placing hand sanitizers at a hot place or in heat will reduce its effectiveness. You must not place the sanitizers in heat rather they must be kept in a cool place. 
  • Portable packing of hand sanitizers: As we know the hand sanitizers are available in different packing. But you must choose the hand sanitizers according to the purposes. For example, if you are purchasing it for just hands then prefer portable packing. Spray sanitizers can be better used for the things etc.
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So, these are the following points that you can consider before you buy an alcohol based sanitizer. You must know about the different uses of the hand sanitizers before you apply it. So, buy the best hand sanitizer to protect your health. 

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